Friday, February 2, 2007

Zen Confucianist Anti-Terrorism

A senior Chinese official accused the Bush Administration of waging a unilateral war on terror and making global tensions worse.

Some of his quotations are memorable.
The more they oppose terrorism, the more terror they produce

Ye Xiaowen, director of China’s State Bureau of Religious Affairs

Ye also said,
Unilateralism and terrorism breed each other, but neither can overcome the other

Speaking of the blindness of western powers and leaders, Dahr Jamail offers a grim example of the spreading chaos and futility engendered by the So-Called War On Terror (SCWOT) of the Bush Administration.

We all marveled in horror at the initial reports of the surrounding and slaughter of a couple hundred "militants" on plantations outside of Najaf earlier in the week.

First, the government announced it was al-Qaeda attacking Najaf, and the glorious Iraqi army forces crushing the attack.

Then the Iraqi government gave out the "official story" that it was a radical Shiite movement that was about to launch an attack on a religious festival in Najaf. The Iraqi intelligence forces were said to have intrepidly learned of the imminent uprising shortly before it unfolded, thereby seizing the initiative on the deadly rebel sect camped on the plantations. After the Americans and British were called, helicopters came and systematically slaughtered all the "militants," killing two hundred fifty or more, altogether.

Now we learn that, in fact, they weren't militants, but a couple of tribes of Shiites attending the Najaf festival. Jamail quotes a local who told him the pilgrims were targeted by the Iraqi security forces because they do not support al-Sistani, the Iranian-born Iraqi Shiite leader.

The Iraqi Iranian-backed Shiite government sought to eliminate the cooperation between these anti-Iranian sects and local Sunnis they were allying themselves with.

Confucius say,

He who try to clean neighbor's house make big mess.

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