Another view of the press conference appeared in Froomkin's comments in the Washington Post:
When it came to Iraq, Bush said at least one thing that was untrue, and one thing that was only too true. "In the July 15th report that I submitted to Congress, there were indications that they had met about half the benchmarks and some of the political benchmarks they were falling short," he said. The White House's own report found "progress" in only eight of 18 benchmarks -- not that the benchmarks had been met. And even that assessment is highly debatable.
So, where was Matthews coming from?
It should be obvious to every American with a brain that CNN--particularly Chris Matthews, Fox--particularly Shawn Hannity, Alan Colmes, Bill O'Reilly and "guests" like Robert Novak, Charles Krauthammer and Bill Kristol and paid Pentagon propagandist operatives.
None of these people, nor any of the Administration officials they are ostensibly paid to monitor and inform the public about, have a shred of credibility.
But they do have the floor.
What they say to millions of Americans cannot be disputed on the airwaves (although it can on the internet and the blogs, so far), thanks to the Clintons and the big money monopolies in the telecommunications industry.
Not only is it propaganda, it's censorship. Not only are they telling us what to think, but they are squelching any dissent.
"Why?" we used to ask, because we couldn't see the elephant in the room.
"Why don't they want us to know the truth?"
"Why do they have to control all the broadcasting and propagate an incessant daily deluge of pro-big money, pro military, pro-corporate verbiage?"
"Isn't the truth--whatever its content--good enough?"
The truth would open the floodgates of public outrage at pro-business, anti-citizen financial, industrial, trade, environmental, education, and immigration policies.
The truth would cause a surge in public outrage that would sweep most incumbent Congressmen and Senators out of office in the next election--if not sooner.
The truth would reveal payoffs and massive funding shifts from taxpayers' interests to Pentagon interests. The puppetmasters in the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Office of Net Assessment, and other Pentagon think tanks and policy kitchens would be unmasked, in all their fascist, Orwellian, inhumane and uncivilized hideousness.
Thus, George Bush's press conferences, Chris Matthews's soliloquies of praise, Hillary Clinton's defense of lobbyists, Bill Kristol's urge for the surge, etc...
It may already be too late.
We the people have to take back the country now.
Anyone familiar with history knows what will happen otherwise. And we don't want to go there.
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